Sunday, August 7, 2011

What I've been up to: Building a House (part 1)

As many of you know, I have been in the woods, on a mountain, in Vermont... building this awesome house.

its like a tree house...

building stuff...

the view from our windows.
I have a ton more pictures, and it is a lot more finished then this, but I left the camera in Vermont with all the pictures. Ix and I are about 2-3 days away from having the roof up! But first we are spending a few days in NY gathering things and going to dentist appointments.

Anyhow... Yes, I am still alive and looking forward to working on N8 again! It wont be long now till I can get back to development!

Wizard has gone ahead and created an awesome new forum for us!
It's very cool :D
   ...but it looks like all our old data is lost... which is uncool....

Still have to get the wiki and news working again, will happen soon.

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