Friday, June 22, 2012

22,500 blocks?

no problem...
Try it out, takes a moment to load all the blocks, but once it does...


  1. how in the world do you always manage to make your movement speed framerate dependent?

  2. I just copy pasted some code from the Unity Community Wiki... I didn't feel the need to write a camera script for this test.

  3. honestly it would've only taken like 2 minutes at most, seeing as unity already has the major portion of the code for the gameloop set up. All you would have to do really is apply a force dependent on deltatime when moving in any of the four standard directions.

    pretty funny that the unify wiki doesn't have better examples, but i guess nobody cares enough to put decent code up on there.

  4. Where are you going with all these new models and whatnot?

  5. Nowhere, they are all very old models, I just needed to add a bunch of different stuff.
